How to Prevent Skateboarding Injuries

Skateboarding is very popular among children and teenagers. But since it is an extreme sport, it is practically impossible to prevent an injury from happening. According to OrthoInfo, skateboarding-related injuries accounted for more than 78,000 visits to the emergency room among children and adolescents in 2011.

You can lessen the risk of your child getting an injury by constantly reminding him or her to take safety precautions. Here are some of the things to remind your kid once he or she is about to go skateboarding:

Wear protective gear.

Yes, wearing a helmet is very important, but other parts of the body need to be protected as well. Using protective equipment such as knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, and slip-resistant shoes will reduce fractures, sprains, and bruising as well as prevent gravel burns if your child falls from the skateboard.

Invest in a high-quality skateboard.

The skateboard your child is using should be in a great condition and age-appropriate. It also needs to be checked before every ride to see if there are any loose parts or cracked wheels.

Skate in a controlled environment.

Know where your child is going to skate. Skate parks are the safest places to skate because they are far from pedestrians and vehicle traffic. On the other hand, tell your kid to avoid homemade ramps and crowded places when going skating. Advise your kid to inspect the riding terrain first and to avoid skateboarding in rough or uneven surfaces.

Know your limits.

Advise your child not to ride beyond his or her abilities. Your child might be tempted to try out tricks that they have seen from watching the pros. Advise them against doing advanced skating tricks outside of their skill level without mastering the basics first.

In the event of a skateboarding injury, I highly encourage you to consult with a San Diego orthopedic surgeon to ensure the safety of your child.

Yes, There is Such a Thing as ‘Growing Pains’

The term ‘growing pains’ is not just an expression. What many parents do not know is that this is an actual medical condition experienced by pediatric and adolescent patients.

Growing pains usually happens to children who are experiencing rapid growth. These pains happen in two phases: during early childhood for children between the ages of 3 to 5, and during pre-puberty for children between the ages of 8 to 12.

These growing pains are often experienced by children in their calves, thighs, and knees. They often happen during late afternoons and early evenings, and are typically localized. Most experts attribute them to muscular tiredness, especially if the child has exerted a lot of physical activities for the day.

How to Treat Growing Pains

Since this is a non-traumatic injury, treatment can be done at home by icing and gently massaging the affected area, as well as taking anti-inflammatory drugs and having plenty of rest. The achiness and pain will usually go away overnight.

To prevent this from happening again, I would suggest that you encourage your child to take part in various sports. This way, all the muscle groups in your kid’s body will be given a workout, instead of overstraining the same muscles day in and day out.

When to Seek Professional Treatment

Although ‘growing pains’ are quite common among children, they should not be completely disregarded. If your child’s ‘growing pains’ do not subside and continue to worsen, or if the muscles seem to be overly tender, consider making an appointment with a San Diego pediatric orthopedic doctor.

If these aches and pains remain untreated, they could worsen and lead to a more serious injury. Drop by my clinic to determine if what your kid has is just growing pains, or if it is something else entirely.

Preventing Kids’ Sports Injuries This Spring

Now that spring is here and summer not too far behind, most young people are out there in the sunshine, indulging in their favorite pastimes. And with April being National Youth Sports Safety Month, we need to ensure the safety of our kids when playing sports.

The first few weeks of spring are usually a busy time for us at the clinic because a lot of children get injured at this time of the year. As a San Diego orthopedic surgeon, I’d like to offer some tips that you can implement to prevent sports injuries:

Pre-participation physical examination

Undergoing a PPE will help identify if your kid has a pre-existing medical condition that you may not be aware of, and may affect their ability to play.

Warm-ups and cool-downs

Make sure that your kid sets aside enough time to warm-up before practice and game sessions, and that they get to cool down after. Doing so minimizes the risk of muscle strain and other soft tissue injuries.

Right sporting equipment

Check if the equipment is the right fit and still in great condition. If your child is using an old equipment, it may be time for an upgrade. Many advances have been made in the field of sports equipment which not only improves performance, but prevents injury.

Right transition

If your child has not been playing a lot during winter, it is best that they don’t return to their previous level of exertion right away. Make sure to pace them when playing.

This is especially important if your kid is making the jump from middle school to high school, where the practices can be a lot more demanding than what your kid is normally used to.

If your child does get injured from a sporting event, check for any symptoms that continue to persist. At this point, it is best to consult a pediatric orthopedic to get the right diagnosis and the best treatment.

Shoulder Pain From Arthritis

Shoulder pain is a common symptom, but sussing out the causes of that pain requires an expert eye. Understanding how to distinguish between trauma and arthritis, for instance, requires a review of what causes each.

This video is a good start. It offers a basic explanation of shoulder pain, and why its most persistent and progressive form is likely due to arthritis over injury:

Shoulder pain treatment in San Diego ranges from the therapeutic treatment of tears and tendonitis, to surgical interventions for issues such as frozen shoulder, chronic bursitis, or injury. If you have shoulder pain from arthritis and find that you simply cannot do many of the things you used to do with ease, it’s time to visit a San Diego orthopedic surgeon for a consultation.

Get your questions about shoulder pain answered quickly, with the best shoulder pain doctor in San Diego. Contact us here today.

When To Use Cortisone For Joint Pain

Cortisone is a miraculous medication, one which can diminish chronic pain and restore a freer range of motion within minutes. But as chronic elbow pain sufferers will tell you, that relief may be short-lived, and can exact its own price over time.

Cortisone is a steroid, which means it can activate some of the body’s most powerful signaling mechanisms for healing. These can be especially effective for joint pain, including elbow pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and wrist pain, as well as specific diagnoses including bursitis and arthritis.

But cortisone’s power cuts both ways, and may eventually deteriorate the treated joint, by diminishing bone density and thinning soft tissues. Consequently many orthopedic surgeons such as myself use the shots sparingly, and always in concert with a more holistic rehabilitation effort which includes exercise, stretching, and restful recovery.

Bottom line: cortisone is a perfect example of short-term benefit, long-term harm. If you’re looking for a lasting solution to joint pain which won’t hamper your chances for a more lasting recovery, it’s wise to consider lifestyle changes and orthopedic surgery instead.

More Effective Shoulder Surgery in San Diego

When shoulder injury or pain becomes too much to bear, it’s time to consider shoulder surgery. Here in San Diego, the offices of Dr. William Holland have proudly earned a spot at the forefront of specialized care such as this, offering an extraordinary focus on athletic injuries of every type.

If you have been trying to manage the searing pain of bursitis or the frustration of frozen shoulder, you won’t find a more detailed approach in Southern California. Dr. Holland takes pride in his philosophy of patience and communication, and has rightly earned a reputation as one of the best orthopedic surgeons for shoulder pain in California.

Orthopedic shoulder surgery in San Diego has come a long way since the days when such procedures were painfully slow to rehab. Today, advances in arthroscopic surgery, digital imaging and improved aftercare help many patients return to their regular lives within a few months. Dr. Holland offers followup care every step of the way, ensuring you achieve a better outcome than you’re likely to find from another shoulder surgeon.

For the very highest standard of orthopedic shoulder surgery in San Diego, please contact Dr. William Holland today.