Welcome to the San Diego orthopedic surgeon blog! This is a place where you can find answers to your questions and concerns, and get all the latest news about events and advances in the field of orthopedic surgery.
As a San Diego orthopedic surgeon who spent many years treating soldiers, athletes, and active patients of all ages, I have spent the better part of my lifetime refining an approach to holistic orthopedic care. When patients come to me with complaints, I look for ways to treat without surgery first. If interventions such as physical therapy and medications can’t do the trick, then we begin to plan a minimally invasive procedure together, placing a premium on good communication.
My practice covers a wide range of sports injuries and other orthopedic issues, but I specialize in a few key areas:
• Shoulder Pain
• Shoulder Surgery
• Knee Pain
• Knee Surgery
• Elbow, Hand and Wrist Pain
• Elbow, hand and Wrist Surgery
To learn more about any of these subjects, please click the links above. And if you’d like to keep up with all the most current information on orthopedic surgery in San Diego, just bookmark this link and check back often. Welcome aboard!
Tags: elbow hand & wrist surgery, knee surgery, orthopedic surgery san diego, san diego orthopedic surgeon, shoulder surgery