When Exercise for Kids Goes Too Far

Lost in Michelle Obama’s laudable effort to get kids off the couch and onto the field is the potential danger of going too far. There are some kids who do nothing but exercise all day, putting themselves at at risk of pushing their bodies past the limits of what young people are made to do.

When children train too hard for too long, the body adapts. Less energy goes into proper growth and development, and more goes into weathering the current condition, packing on bone mass and ceasing to grow taller and more flexible.

The result is a generation of kids who are far more prone to injury, and far less likely to develop as they otherwise would, leading to a rash of preventable health issues. The solution is to roll back the exercise and give their bodies time to recover:

“They are skeletally immature, trying to produce muscle and bone and get stronger, so adequate recovery is key – so [ensure] they get enough sleep for their age, that they are eating properly and getting all parts of the food chain. Also that they are hydrated adequately because dehydration can predispose to injury as well.”

Orthopedic injuries in kids are part of life: they play an outsized role in many youth sports whether we like it or not. But injuries which occur in slow motion through repetition and overuse are entirely preventable: all that is required is a sense of proportion and restraint.

To learn more, please contact the pediatric orthopedists at AOSM here today.

Good News for High School Pitchers

Sports injuries in children have been on the rise since the 70s, when youth and amateur play was not yet the high-stakes pipeline to professional athletics that it often is today.

Parents, coaches and athletic organizations have been slow to react, but lately there has been some encouraging movement as tales of preventable injury are spread through social media and the press.

Repetitive injuries are having a moment right now, as evidenced by recent measures to mandate more rest and recovery time for baseball pitches who have been suffering shoulder and elbow injuries with alarming frequency:

A group that oversees policy for high school sports — the National Federation of State High School Associations — has called on its state affiliates to adopt their own rules for how many pitches a student-athlete can throw in a single game and how much rest pitchers must have between appearances in games. In response, the New York State High School Athletic Association plans to have a proposal by October and new rules in place for next spring.

It’s an encouraging step, but it’s just the beginning. Ideally we will someday see rest and relaxation baked into the very notion of youth sports – not because it is mandated, but because it is simply what’s done.

Until that time, the American Orthopedic and Sports Medicine center is here to help with your pediatric orthopedic needs. Contact us today for an appointment